Gippsland home to Australia’s best Leonardite


Did you know that Gippsland is the home of Australia’s best Leonardite which is considered world class for quality?

Leonardite is a type of young, weathered brown coal formed over 20 million years ago when plant material in swamps started decomposing, and over time and with extreme pressure started its journey to become coal.

Omnia Specialities at Morwell have developed an outstanding business extracting humic acid from the Leonardite found at the top of the seam and blending the humic rich liquid with other products to produce a range of valuable soil health and fertiliser products for agricultural producers in Australia, and around the world. In-fact Omnia now export to over 30 countries.

James Freemantle, the Managing Director of Omnia said, “Omnia has experienced tremendous growth from our Morwell site, where we employ over 20 people.  For more than 20 years our products have been in high demand as growers look at ways to improve fertiliser efficiency to grow better crops in a more sustainable manner.”

Omnia has Research and Development in its DNA and James added, “Omnia collaborates with Federation University and Australian Carbon Innovation to develop alternative uses for brown coal. The planned outcome is driving greater sustainability in agricultural production systems. 

The collaborative work done with Federation University is also creating a greater scientific story around carbon innovation and the different ways it can be used in a wide range of industries from agriculture to human and animal health.”

James stated, “Global demand for this softer chemistry is growing as major fertiliser companies look to work with Omnia to ensure greater efficiency and sustainability. Many of these major global businesses have visited the Omnia site and Gippsland region to see first-hand why the region produces such a high-quality raw material.” 

“Several initiatives have been undertaken in the last few years involving solar and energy saving projects, water recycling, 100% site containment and Omnia prides itself as a considerate community environmental neighbour and a proud member of the Gippsland business community,” James concluded.

Raewyn McGehan

Marketing Coordinator - Omnia Specialities Australia

Raewyn is responsible for all marketing requirements for Omnia Australia and Omnia International (Australia). Raewyn's role includes managing the development of marketing and branded collateral; collating promotional/advertising copy; coordinatiing promotion of field days/events; website management.

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7 months ago

Salve Sig.ra Mcgehan volevo parlare con Lei è importante,, grazie