3 Ways to hit your marketing and business goals this year!

Content Writer and Marketer - Conquer Your Content


Your marketing efforts go a long way in helping you increase your client base, reach more of your “dream clients”, and ultimately, enhance your business revenue.
Here are 3 of my tips to help you nail your marketing goals in 2021!

1. Have a PLAN!

Something I see all too often is business owners posting content willy-nilly, when they finally get the time for it. Effective marketing requires a plan and strategy, and you should know what you are going to post, and when, and schedule time each week, fortnight, or month to do it!

2. Create a memorable BRAND!

Your brand is what makes your audience remember you, and it goes a long way in helping you reach more potential clients. Your brand includes things such as your logo, design colours, fonts, imagery, your businesses personality, and the way in which you speak and engage with your clients. These elements combined make your audience “feel something” and be reminded of you when they come across them. And this kind of familiarity goes a long way in helping you succeed, so it’s important to be consistent with your branding elements on your website, ads, and social media feeds.

3. Speak to what your audience NEEDS!

It’s easy as a business owner to talk about what interests you online. But what does your audience need? It’s time to put them first, and take the time to understand their problems, their needs, and how you can help them succeed. If you put your audience first when you write your content, you’ll connect to them on a deeper level, and help them feel as if you already understand them. And this is one sure-fire way to build trust and loyalty in your business!
So, there you have it! My 3 tips to help you meet your marketing goals this year.
Got a question, or looking for some more advice and support? Send me an email or book a free discovery call with me via my website: www.conqueryourcontent.com.au

Zoe Hyde

Content Writer and Marketer - Conquer Your Content

Working remotely from Gippsland, I am a certified personal trainer, nutrition coach, published author, and personal development mentor-turned writer. I provide content writing and marketing services for authentic and passionate health, wellness, and personal development businesses.

My love of writing didn’t become apparent to me until I started blogging and creating content for my body transformation business in 2015. Since then, I have produced hundreds of blogs, seen my work featured in publications, written and published a book, and created hours of workbooks and presentation materials. Over the years I have refined my skills and style into something which is impactful, conversational, and speaks to the very humans reading it.

While you’re busy doing what you love – working WITH your clients, I’ll be hustling behind you creating content that both inspires and influences, to give you the time and freedom you’ve been craving.

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