Find your state of flow – and become more productive in your business!

Let us help you with your business - Work My Own Way


Have you ever found yourself working away in the office, and you become so immersed in a task that everything feels effortless? Suddenly, you look up and 2 hours have passed, and you wonder where the time went.  

What you’ve just experienced is being in a “flow state”,  which simply means you’ve been in an optimal state of mind to perform at your best.

But try as you might, sometimes it’s not that easy to get back into flow state again; and instead of being met with inspiration when you sit down to tackle your to-do list, you’re sitting and staring at a blank screen, waiting for motivation to strike.

In this blog, we’re unpacking some daily practices that can help you find your flow state again, so you can achieve more, high quality work for your business!


Can everyone experience flow? 

Interestingly enough, each person’s capacity to experience flow state is different. Studies have shown that those with an autotelic personality can find it easier to reach flow. People with an autotelic personality are internally driven, with a tendency to engage in activities for their own sake, rather than being extrinsically motivated to chase a distant goal. On the other hand, people who struggle with anxiety and self-criticism can find it harder to reach a state of flow.

However, this doesn’t mean that you HAVE to have an autotelic personality to get into flow. It just means that you may have more barriers to reaching this state than others do.

The good news is, anyone can reach flow, you just need to put yourself in an environment which will allow it!


How to find your natural flow state

One of the first things in understanding how to get into your state of flow, is to identify when you’re naturally in this state. For some, it could be when they’re engrossed in a drawing, and for others, they could be putting together a presentation for work or leading a meeting. It’s important to note that flow is only achieved when you’re completing an active task or activity, whereas reading a book or watching TV would be described as passive activities.

The more you participate in activities or tasks that put you in a state of flow, the more you’ll want to experience it. So, by analyzing when you reach your natural flow, and how, it’ll be easier to repeat again and again. Often, working in a state of flow is less about the actual activity itself, and more about the feelings and emotions connected to it. For you it could be about being connected to a team, or the desire to help your clients on a deeper level. Whatever it may be, take the time to identify the emotions and “why” behind your flow, and the environment you’re in when you reach it – are you working solo, or are you in a team environment where you can collaborate?


Set yourself up for success – create an environment that helps you achieve flow 

Here are some strategies and tools that can assist you in finding your flow state.

  • Add “focus” time into your calendar each day, at the same time: For most entrepreneurs, days are often filled jumping from one task to the other. Block out at least 1 hour into your calendar each day and label it “focus”. This is the time to work on those important tasks, in the environment which is most conducive of creating flow for you. This will help build the habit of reaching flow consistently, because the more you do it, the easier it becomes!
  • Consider when you naturally reach your flow, and replicate those emotions: If you are someone who reaches flow when you are working toward helping others, then attach this emotion to each task or activity. Consider HOW the task you’re immersing yourself in will have a positive impact on someone else, and lean in to these feelings.


Read the full article on our website: 

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Let us help you with your business - Work My Own Way

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The Work My Own Way program has a number of activities including coaching, workshops and meetups. All of these activities are standalone, meaning that you don’t have to commit to a full program.

Instead you can pick which activities you want to participate in and stack these together to create your own program tailored to your individual journey.

Who is it for?
The program is for anyone who wants to become self-employed. Whether you want to become a freelancer, a small business owner or startup founder, we’re here to give you the confidence and skills to get your business off the ground.


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