Typing, writing, scribing, editing and proofreading services in a COVID-19 world

Writer, editor, proofreader, owner/operator - On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading

Here at On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading, we are in a better position than most businesses to continue to provide our services remotely, wherever possible, throughout the Coronavirus crisis.

We are accustomed to providing our scribing, writing, editing and typing services via telephone, teleconference, internet platforms (e.g. Zoom) and forwarding websites (e.g. WeTransfer).

The only change to our usual practice is that when we or a client wants to meet face-to-face:

  • Owner/operator Sally-Anne Watson Kane will now meet clients face-to-face only if they live in central/west Gippsland,
  • When Sally-Anne meets a client she will adhere to all the recommended social distancing measures, and
  • Sally-Anne will not ask her other typists, scribes or editors to meet any client face-to-face until the crisis is over.

For more information on how we are keeping our team and clients safe, go to: How we are keeping ourselves and our clients safe – COVID-19.

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